of the Council of Safety, 1777. 117
they can possibly march. We think it necessary to acquaint
you that there are very few guns in this county, and we believe
not above 40 well fitted. A limited time we think ought to be
fixed for the Militia to remain with General Washington, with-
out which we are fearful the men will be backward, we should
be glad to be informed where the Militia are to get Camp
Kettles, tents, &c. It is impossible for us at this time to fix on
the particular officers, that will be necessary to give commis-
sions to, some of the commissions of field officers are vacant,
and the appointment of other officers to fill them up will occa-
tion many vacancys, we woud request if consistent with your
power you would send us some blank commissions with orders
to fill them up with such men as we think most worthy.
We are Gent.
Your most Humble Servts
(per order) Jno. D. Thompson ch. P. tem.
The Honble Council of Safety at
C. S. C.
Wednesday, Feb. 5, 1777.
Council met. Present as on yesterday. Mr Nicholson
Subpena issued for Jacob Adams of Somerset County to
attend Council of Safety immediately upon Business of
In Council of Safety 5th Febry 1777.
Mr McHard you are to repair to Queen Anns County and
apply to Priscilla Browne or Robert Browne, Alexander Law-
son, and James Hutchings of the same County, for all the Beef
and Pork in the Possession of either of the said Persons above
the Quantity of two Thousand Pounds of the former and five
Thousand Pounds of the latter, and offer for the said Beef
seven Pounds ten shillings per Barrel and for the latter Eight
Pounds pr Barrel each Barrel containing at the least two hun-
dred and twenty Pounds or to pay the original Cost of said
Beef and Pork together with the Expence of curing and a
reasonable commission for their Trouble, and if the said Pris-
cilla or Robert Browne, Alexander Lawson and James Hutch-
ings or any of them shall refuse to dispose of the said Beef &
Pork on either of those Terms that then you seize the same
for the use of this State and if Assistance should be necessary
you are to apply to the Committee of Observation for the said
County therefor and the said Committee are hereby requested
to give you all the Assistance in their Power by calling in the
Militia of the County or such Part thereof as they may judge
necessary, Congress being determined that Ingrossing shall
not be permitted within any of the United States.
C. S. J.