No. 84.
[Council to Gov. Patrick Henry.]
Annaps Jany 3d 1777
Sir. Your Excellency's favour of the 22d ult. enclosing
Resolutions of the house of Delegates of your State we have
received and are much obliged by the assurance you have
been pleased to make our State of the most cordial coopera-
tion of Virginia in every measure for our particular safety and
the general interest of America. Be assured, Sir, that the
Council of Safety of Maryland will invariably persevere in the
same line of conduct they have hitherto observed, of affording
every assistance and aid in their power to any part of America
where their assistance and aid may be thought necessary to
contribute to its general interest. We are, &c.
His Excellency Patrick Henry Esq.
[Chamberlaine to Council.]
Gentlemen. Talbot County January 3d 1777.
I am favoured with yours by express and am sorry you
should want any information from the Commissioners for
recruiting the Army. At Wilmington the return was to have
been made, but on getting there the Gentlemen very anxious
to get forward proposed taking all the papers and compleat-
ing the buisiness before they parted. To this proposal I
agreed and gave up the papers that were in my possession.
Under these circumstances it perhaps will not be in my power
to give your Honours the satisfaction I could wish tho' should
you still incline that I should wait on you, on intimating as
much by the return of an express I sent off yesterday, I will
immediatly wait on you, being with the greatest Respect
Gentlemen, Your most obedt Humbl Servt
Jas Lloyd Chamberlaine
The Honble The President of the Council
of Safety in Annapolis per express)
The want of salt will create great uneasiness with us, and
as I hear there is a vessell belonging to the Publick with a
quantity just arrived, if a few hundred bushells could be sent
for sale near the heads of our Rivers, in my humble opinion it
would have a good effect.