432 Topical
Denization of M. Stykelkan, 44.
Indians :
Dennis, E., petition, 333.
aid to, 90, 97, 329.
Deputy Governor, commission, 108.
allies, 98.
Deputy Surveyor, neglect, 21, 23.
arms to, 13, 242, 297, 336.
Disaffection in Province, 138.
conference with, 143, 185, 188, 195,
Dissent to law, 378.
217, 236, 271, 310, 353, 354.
Divulgers of false news, 391.
defence against, 50, 100, 118, 125,
Dorchester County, justices, 38, 69, 130,
142, 163, 181, 186, 187, 195, 196,
197, 251, 307.
troubles in, 361.
examination of, 364-373, 412, 415.
Dutch encroachments, 28.
expeditions against, 48, 56, 59.
gifts to, 57, 78, 91, 92, 149, 152, 241.
Eastern Shore Indians, 142, 143.
lands, 236.
treaty with, 213.
murders by, 47, 48, 142, 145, 162,
Edelen, R., charge against, 410.
171, 178, 184, 190, 191, 212, 218,
Ellis, R., charge against, 21.
222, 223, 232, 237, 294, 355, 364-
Encroachments on Province, 28, 153.
374, 376, 377-
Escheated lands, 30, 40.
peace with, 98, 122, 126, 149, 157,
Evans, W., commission to, 6.
183, 277, 278, 331.
Examination of Indians, 364-373, 412,
prisoners, 78, 90, 92, 145, 191, 413.
protection to, 58, 91, 97, 232, 235,
Exporting provisions, 44, 54, 194.
274, 285, 287, 303,313, 330.
removing from Province, 22.
Fees, 27, 29, 208, 268.
Fendall, J., charges against, 244, 388.
orders against, 192, 249.
Ferries, 54, 93, 288.
scalps, 98.
selling liquor to, 260.
trade with, 14, 255, 312, 352.
treaties with, 143, 150, 157 164, 173,
Five Nations, treaty with, 157, 164.
175, 213, 289.
troubles with, 47, 120, 125, 175, 279-
Gary, S., petition, 345.
Gerard, T., charge against, 22.
285, 293-307, 313, 358-361, 375.
Instructions to Governor, 9, 13, 29, 45,
Gifts to Indians, 57, 78, 91, 92, 149, 152,
Godfrey, G., charges against, 401-404,
Johnson, H., charge against, 348.
Jones, T., complaint against, 312.
Government house, 35.
Governor, commission to, i, 105, 132,
Justices, commissions to, 8, 37, 41, 42,
65-73, 77- no, 130, 136- 224. 253. 255,
256, 268, 275, 316, 323, 325-328, 347,
instructions to, 9, 13, 45, in.
357. 395-
Governor pro tempore, 16.
Grand Inquest, 131.
Grievances alleged, 137.
Groome, S., license to trade, 352.
Gunpowder river, murder at, 294.
Kent County, boundaries of, 41.
court-house, 350.
justices of, 41, 67, 93, 136, 328.
King, J., petition, 261.
Harper, T., complaint against, 273.
Hasleham, G., charge against, 127.
Hattoft, W., will, 20.
Hawkins, J., estate, 20.
Hemsley, W., commission to, 35.
Herrman, A., map, 18.
Land for court-house, 350.
Lands in Somerset County, 177.
Lee, R., estate of, 340.
Leshley, R., petition, 206.
Leslier, J., petition, 262.
Lewis, J., charge against, 20.
Licenses to ordinaries, 21.
Homewood, j., petition, 199.
to trade with Indians, 255.
Howell, T., commission to, 27.
Humphreys, S., petition, 342.
Humphrys, E., charges against, 337.
Liquors, sale of to Indians, 260.
Lloyd, E., commission to, 6.
Long, T., commission to, 46.
Lowe, V., commission to, 243.
Importation of convicts, 136.
Lucus, F., petition, 206.