Lib. R.
p. 79
To wch his Lspp: p the Interpreter did reply that he well
approved thereof and did not question but it would be
accepted & hoped it might worke good effects, and that for
his owne part he looked upon the said ffour nations of Indians
as his good ffriends and would also consider of some Present
to be sent them in convenient time but at present could not
provide any to send them p the sd Indian, And did Desire
him to signifie to them his Lspps: resolutions to preserve peace
and Amity with them hopeing that they will continue the same
towards him and the English in Maryland undr his Governmt
The Pascattoway Indians then moove his Lspp: for a Supply
of Powdr and Shott setting forth the great want they are in
and Daily expecting their Enemy to fall upon them and that
unless his Lspp: will please to furnish them for their Defence
they must be forced to fall to makeing of Bows and arrows
wherein for want of practice they have not that experience as
formerly and soe consequently must inevitably Suffer for want
of better provisions to secure themselves. Whereunto his
Lspp: p the Interpreter did make answer that true it was he
had already given some assurance to the Emperor the last
time he saw him that they should not want such necessary
assistance & Supplyes as he could in reason afford them wch
assurance he did firmly purpose to make good to them but at
present his Lspp: onely came himself to see and speake with
the Emperor and his greate men concerning what hath been
already treated off, And therefore could not resolve upon
what quantity of powder & shott might be suitable for their
occasions untill such time as his Lspp: should first have advised
with his Councell touching the same wch he did assure them
should be within Tenn Dayes by what time they might send to
Mattapony and there receive a Supply.
They further moove his Lspp: for a Supply of Armes have-
ing lost at least a hundred Gunns taken at Severall times by
the Enemy insomuch that they have not Sufficient where-
withall to Defend themselves.
To which his Lspp: made answer that he would consider
thereof and when they sent for the powder & Shott, they
should receive a further answer to that pticular.
Wherewith they seemed well Satisfied. And presented his
Lspp: with severall Beaver and other Skinns.
His Lspp: reed: the same And Dismissed them with the foll:
Testimoniall relateing to Wassetass: viz.
(Sigillum) C Baltemore
Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of the Province of Mary-
land and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &ca To all persons
to whom these presents shall come greeteing in Our Lord