Letter Bk. IV
which as he managed it he could receive very little Profit was
taken from him & conferred on a Gentleman who had
infinitely superiour Pretensions & he still continues Surveyor
General of the Eastern Shore an Office worth to him at
present more than a hundred Pounds a year his Friends
cannot with the least Justice say he has been hardly dealt by,
whether he may have any in England who will concern them-
selves so far as to interest Themselves on his behalf I know
not, if he has I am sure they can offer little in his favour, & as
to His Alliance in the Province it is such as I have nothing to
apprehend from it, nor could I expect a single Friend the
more for doing him any Services in my power but on the con-
trary might disoblige others whose Abilities & Conduct set
them in a much more advantageous Light. If when a Clerk-
ship becomes vacant Mr Dulany will bestow it on him agre-
able to the Instruction you sometime ago sent to Colo Tasker
so that he may resign the Surveyor's Office he will readily
meet with my Approbation, that being an Office where he will
have no Cash pass through his hands besides his own & which
he might get a Deputy to discharge, & it will at the same
time be to him as it were a hansome Annuity, but whatever
may be the Value of his Income his Oeconomy is such as will
always keep him in much the same Condition & Circum-
stances. The Reverend Mr Dowie having presented me His
Ldp's Instructions I inducted him into the Parish of St Johns in
Queen Anns County vacant by the Removal of Mr Maynadier
to All Hallows ; there are at present only two Clergymen in
the Province unprovided for whom I would recommend to
His Ldp's Patronage, Mr West one of them who is a Native
of Virga where he was also educated seems to be a well
behaved Young Man & having brought me Letters of Recom-
mendation from Colo Washington of Virga & from a Gentle-
man in Charles County where he sometime officiated for Mr
Swift with my Approbation officiates at present as a Reader
or Curate in Westminster Parish in this County. The other
Gentleman's Name is Lauder from Scotland who has also for
some time with my Approbation officiated as a Reader or
Curate in a small Parish in St Mary's County, it being conti-
guous to that of which Mr Urquehart a Relation of his hath
been many Years Rector. I do not know any of the Inhabi-
tants of the Province who are intended or who will bring up
any Children for the Church, should any such be recom-
mended to me I shall not fail to advise His Lordship thereof.
The Mr Smith whom you are pleased to recommend to me
has waited on me since his Arrival & desired me to appoint
him the next Sheriff of Charles County but as that Office was
long ago promised to the Brother of One Major Jennifer a