[Amherst to Sharpe.]
New York 6th Septemr 1762
Tis with the highest Joy and Satisfaction that I can Inform
you of the Reduction of the Havannah, having received Let-
ters from My Lord Albemarle, by the Enterprize Man of War,
which Arrived here at two o'Clock this morning.
His Lordship Acquaints me that the Moro Fort was taken
by Storm, on the 30th July, very much to the Honour & Credit
of the Troops; and on the 13th August the Havannah, with
its Dependencies Surrendered, by Capitulation, and is now
Added to His Majesty's Conquests: The Fatigues the Troops
have undergone, during a long siege, are not to be Described ;
and the Spirit & Resolution, with which they have Carried on
the Different Operations in that Climate, are not to be
I am, with great Regard
Your most Obedient
Humble Servant
Jeff: Amherst
His Excellency Govr Sharpe.