[J. Henshaw to Commissioners of Loan Office.]
Boston 22d September, 1760
His Excelly Governor Bernard has by Letter desired his
Excellency Govenr Sharp to have the Monies collected in your
Goverml for the Relief of the Sufferers by the late Fire in
Boston, to be remitted in such manner as the Select Men &
Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Boston shall point out.
Agreable to which we have this day drawn on you in favr of
Jonathan Williams and John Soley or their order for Fourteen
Hundred Pounds your Currency being part of said Sum which
no doubt you will Honour.
So soon as you shall please to acquaint us what further
Sums you may receive for tire purpose aforesaid, we shall
take the Liberty to draw for the same.
We have a gratefull sense of the Generosity of the Good
People of your Province, and are very Respectfully
Your most hume Servt
Joshua Henshaw
in behalf of the Selectmen & Overseers of the Poor
of the Town of Boston.
To the Honble Commissioners of the Loan Office
in the Province of Maryland.