Letter Bk. V
Spring caused three Tracts containing one of them 17750
Acres another 6030 Acres & the third 4740 Acres to be sur-
veyed in that part of the Province that lies on the Branches of
the Yoghiogany River but I conclude from what Mr Ham-
ersley says in his Letter of the 18th of July that your Ldp is
less desirous to encrease the Number of your Manors than I
then expected & that you would choose rather that the Land
should be sold, if that is the Case I will if your Ldp pleases
deposit the usual Caution Money for either of the small Tracts,
& very probably other Persons may be found to take up the
Rest if your Ldp is willing to part with it on the same Terms.
Not knowing but this might be the last time I may have occa-
tion to trouble your Ldp with a Letter while I have the honour
to be your Lieut. Governor I cannot help taking the Oppor-
tunity to express my hopes that as Major Jenifer hath by many
Services endeavoured to merit your Ldp's Favour & is really
better qualified for the Office of Rent Roll Keeper than Mr
Merewether he might if the last Gentleman can be otherwise
provided for be restored again to that office in case your Ldp
should be averse to continuing the Major your Agent &
Receiver General. Sincerely wishing your Ldp continual
Health & every other Blessing 1 shall ever remain with the
greatest Respect My Ld Yr Lds. obliged & most obed.
humb. Servt
[Rev. Bennet Allen to Sharpe.]
Nov. 29. 1768
I am glad to find the board of revenue have desisted from
carrying into execution powers with which they are not
invested ; the board of Treasury in England having just as
much right of displacing the Lord Treasurer, as the board of
revenue have of removing an Agent Here. And little did I
think after the declaration made by your Excellency on
Thursday Night, which was that you should decline acting in
the affair yourself, (which conduct you followed with respect
to the other Commissions, as Mr Meriwether informed me
saying, that you deferred giving him possession of his 'till
the arrival of the new Governor) to receive an order to deliver
up the Papers to Major Jenifer, as Agent appointed by your
I explain'd to you my sentiments in general upon the sub-
ject of the Agency, founded upon the best opinions I could
obtain, & maturely digested by myself. If that paper should
be thought worthy a second perusal as you only skimmed
lightly over it on. Thursday, I would remit it.