Letter Bk. III
[Sharpe to Allen.]
26 Sepr 1768
I shall desire the Members of the Council who live at a
Distance to meet here the 10th of next month and shall think
it incumbent on me when they are here to take Notice of the
Piece lately published in the Pennsylvania Chronicle and
republished in the last Maryland Gazette, in which Mr Walter
Dulany as I apprehend or some Person that enjoys an hon-
ourable and lucrative Office in this Government is positively
accused of raising the Mob in Frederick Town at the time
you went thither to take possession of All Saints Parish, if
you can undertake to prove that Fact and what else is
asserted or suggested in that Piece relative to the Conduct of
the Person accused It would I think be well for you to do so
on that occasion, that his Behaviour might be properly certi-
fied to the Lord Proprietary.
I am &ca
The Revd Mr Allen.
[Rev. Bennett Allen to Sharpe.]
After having taken the best advice upon the subject of your
Excellency's letter, I find I lie under no obligation to appear
before the council to make good any charges contained in the
piece alluded to by your Excellency, & that my obeying a sum-
mons of that kind (tho' I were able to prove them to the satis-
faction of the world) would be of dangerous Tendency. I am
likewise advised, that it is apprehended that no court in this
province can take cognisance of a paper printed in another, &
republish'd here, without the request as far as I know, of the
Author ; and I think myself in particular not at all liable for
the consequences, the piece being anonymous.
I am with great respect, Sir your Excellency's
most oblig'd & obedt humble Servant
Bennet Allen
Oct. 5. 1768.