[Sharpe to Baltimore.]
To Lord Baltimore. Annapolis 15th May 1768
My Ld
Having since I did Myself the honour to write to your Ldp
the 31st of March last received Letters from Ld Hillsborough
containing sundry Requisitions I embrace this opportunity by
a Vessel now said to be at the Mouth of Potuxent on her
Departure for England to transmit my answers thereto under
Cover to your Ldp together with Copies of such my answers
& an Extract of one of Ld Hillsboroughs Letters by which
your Ldp will observe I am peremptorily required to commu-
nicate to him all Occurrences that may happen here & to
transmit to him from time to time all Acts & Proceedings of
Government & Legislature & of such Papers as have any
Relation thereto. As I have not fail'd to answer any Letters
I have received from the Secretaries of State or to give them
an Account of such Occurrences here as seem'd to be material
or extraordinary I am a little at a loss what farther was
expected & should be glad to receive your Ldp's Instructions
on the Subject of the Requisition now made & to know
whether I am for the future to transmit to the Secretary of
State or to the Board of Trade Copies of the Laws that may
be made here, Journals of the Proceedings in the two Houses
of Assembly & Copies of the Council Minutes, for All these
seem to be now demanded or how far would your Ldp choose
Letter Bk. V