[Hamersley to Sharpe.]
Serjts Inn, London 24th Augst 1767.
Hond Sr
In my Letter of the 8th of April last, I acquainted your
Excellency with an Application made to Lord Baltimore by
Mr Stewart, the Contractor for the Transportation of Convicts,
for the Repeale of the Quarentine Act. I am now further to
Inform your Excellency, That this Gentleman has within these
few Days Laid the Matter before the Treasury by a Petition
of which the Enclosed is a Copy, and they have referred it to
the King in Council where it now lyes. I should hope noth-
ing will be done upon it till November, and then I shall exert
all my Endeavours, in concert with the Agent for Virginia in
support of the Law, the Expediency of which I hear has been
too fatally Proved by a recent Instance.
Mr Garth and the Gentlemen in the Trade will I hope like-
wise Contribute their Assistance and perhaps I may by that
time be favoured with a Line by your Excellency upon the
Subject I am
Yor Excellencys
Most Obedt Hble Servt
Hugh Hamersley.