Instance of Mr Daniel Dulany appointed his Brother Walter
whom Your Lordship lately nominated One of the Council &
the Naval Office of Potuxent which is thereupon vacant I shall
in pursuance of Your Ldps pleasure sometime ago signified
to me by Mr Calvert offer to Mr Plater as soon as I have an
Opportunity for at present it seems he is absent from home
else I suppose he would have applied for it before this time.
Inclosed Your Lordship will receive a Second of the Sett of
Exchange for £27 the first of which I remitted Your Lordship
the 15th of last Month.
[Sharpe to Hamersley.]
Copy of Letter from the Governor to Hugh Hamersley
Esqr Dated Annapolis the 27th July 1767 transmitted by ——
Since I addressed Myself to you the 9th of June I have
received your Favour accompanying His Ldps Power of
Attorney for suffering a Common Recovery here on his Man-
nours the Deeds of Lease & Release & Copies of the Letters
that passed between you & Mr John Stewart on the Subject
ot the Act ol Assembly made last Session for obliging
unhealthy Vessels importing more than Thirty Servants or
Passengers to perform Quarantine. As I presume Mr Dulany
will take upon himself to write to you fully in answer to what
you have said to Me as well as to himself with respect to the
Step His Ldp was pleased to take upon the Receipt of the
Propositions I shall not trouble you again on that Head having
already intimated to you that in questions of Law Mr Jordan
& I have always referred every thing to our Associate. Mr
Goldsborough the Attorney General having come over to the
Adjourned Provincial Court the 19th of this Month purposely
to attend this Business a Recovery was accordingly suffered &
the Commissioners have thereupon advertised Ann Arundel
Mannour once more for Sale to be set up the first Day of
September next in Lotts of 500 Acres or otherwise as may
suit the Purchasers & We have also ordered to be advertised
for Sale in the Course of that Month the Mannours in Queen
Annes & Kent Counties & that in Baltimore which lies on the
River Gunpowder. During the Adjourned Provincial Court
We sold what little remained of Collington Mannour in Prince
Georges County & of the Tract called White's Plains in this
County but the Purchasers bought on Condition they should
be indulged till next Month for the first Payment, as soon as
they bring the Bills I shall remit them to His Lordship
together with a Minute as usual of the Quantity sold & of the
Price. Colo Lloyd sent us Notice lately that he is now pre-