myself the honour to acknowledge my Receipt thereof & to
assure your Ldp that whatever Commands your Ldp may at
any time communicate to me will be punctually obeyed. In a
Letter I took the liberty to address to Mr Secretary Conway
last July in answer to his of the 31st of March I promised to
lay the same together with the Resolves of the House of Com-
mons therein transmitted before the Assembly of this Prov-
ince at their first Meeting, which I have since done & have
now the satisfaction to inform your Ldp that upon my Recom-
mending to Them to take the Letter & Resolves into Consid-
eration & chearfully to comply with His Majesty's Requisition
thereby signified They immediately Voted a Compensation to
the Person whose House had been pulled down by the Mob
that assembled here in the Night of the second of Septemr
1765 & also to another Person who had suffered a small Loss
at that time, with which Compensation the Sufferers are I
understand entirely satisfied. I must also in Justice to the
Inhabitants of this Province in general assure your Ldp that
since the Repeal of the Stamp Act was notified to them they
have not shewn the least Signs of Discontent nor have Mur-
murings been heard among them, but as far as I can judge
their Behaviour has manifested the highest satisfaction at the
late Measures of the British Legislature & while their Decla-
rations have been expressive of unfeigned Loyalty & Grati-
tude to our most Gracious Sovereign & of the greatest Attach-
ment to the Mother Country. I am &c.
[Sharpe to Board of Trade.]
To The Lords of Trade. Annapolis 9 Decemr 1766.
My Lds
In obedience to your Ldps Requisition signified to me by
your Letter dated the Ist of August I embrace the earliest
opportunity to inform your Ldp that but few of the Inhabi-
tants of Maryland are employed in Manufactures & that altho
there are Manufacturers of all sorts most of them Servants
from G. Britain & Ireland dispersed over the Province no
Manufacture of any Consequence hath been established here.
There are indeed several Iron Works erected in different
parts of the Province, several Ships or other Vessels built
here in a year, & three or four Rope- Walks each of them
employing eight or ten people ; & many of the Planters &
Farmers have some coarse Clothing both Woolen & Linen
made in their Families but scarcely any can make for them-
selves as much as they have occasion for. No publick Encour-
agement is given here for making any Manufactures except a
small Bounty to be paid annually till the year 1760 by the County