will take the earliest opportunity to revise them: In the mean
time your Excellency will please to suggest any further hints,
as they may occur, and more especially with a view to the
placing the Collection, and Enforcing the due payment of his
Lordships Revenues, upon the best footing.
The death of the Poor Convict was Unlucky after so much
pains taken by his friends to retrieve him.
In the reference to your Excellencys Letter to Mr Calvert
in Febry 1765 respecting Mr Leed's intended Resignation in
favor of his Son in Law, I am at a Loss whether Lord Balti-
more's Concurrence, or mine, is the thing wanting. However
I have the satisfaction to assure your Excellency of both, If it
meets your approbation, and is not disagreable to Mr Dulany,
which you will please to Communicate to him.
This Letter will, I believe, be Delivered you by the Revd
Mr Alleyne, the Gentn on whose Account I made the Enquiry
after the Vacant Livings. His Lordship desires you will
immediately on his arrival Present him to the best Preferment
then Open, and advance him afterwards as opportunitys offer.
You will find him a very sensible Valuable young Gentn and
as such his Lordship desires to Introduce him to your Protec-
tion and Friendship
I am, with due respect & regard
Your Excellencys most obedt Faithful Humble Servant
Hugh Hamersley
[Mason and Dixon to Sharpe.]
By Letter from the Gent: Commiss for Pennsylvania we are
informed the next Meeting, is to be held the 28th of this
Month at Cristiana Bridge in Newcastle County. At which
Time and Place we shall not fail to attend: And as the
Interval is so great, we shall take the Opportunity to set up
the Sector at the Middle Point.
If you shou'd have any commands before the above Time:
please to direct for us at the Middle Point and it shall be
immediately obeyed by
Your Humble Servants
to command
Cha: Mason
Jere: Dixon
Newark Octr Ist 1766