lency for the purpose of raising the new Revenue, and there-
fore his Lordship never was nor could be apprized, till the
present Opportunity, of the Impropriety of his Instruction, or
of the Sense of his Upper House upon it, the mistake of
which, and a well meant desire to render them and your
Excellency less Obnoxious to the people, was the real founda-
tion of it. In this view his Lordship no sooner found his
Faithfull Counsellors of different Sentiments, than, without
Suffering himself to Consider his own Interest, or to Look
back upon the motives of his former Conduct, he directed me
to recall the Instruction, which your Excellency will find effect-
ually done by the Enclosed Instrument. And I am honored
with his Lordships further Commands to assure your Excel-
lency and the Upper House, that such is his Confidence in
your Wisdom and Zeal and Attachment to his Service, Still
more Illustrated by every days Experience, that whatever you
shall recommend will at all times engage his most ready
Compliance, and that you cannot give him greater Satisfac-
tion than by Instructing him how he shall render it to his
I have the honor to be with the most perfect esteem and
regard Dr Sr
Your Excellencys
Most Obedt and Ever
Serjts Inn London Faithful Hble Servt
7thAugt 1766. Hugh Hamersley
[Mason and Dixon to Sharpe.]
Sr The £500 cash you were pleased to send Mr. McLane
by Capt. Hazar, came safe to hand.
We have returned with the Line to the 80th Mile Post, and
are Sr Your most obedient humble Servants
Marsh Creek Cha. Mason
Augt 12th 1 766 Jere. Dixon
[Shelburne to Sharpe.]
Whitehall 13th Septr 1766
Advices having been received from His Majesty's Superin-
tendants for Indian Affairs, that the most unprovoked Vio-
lences & Murthers have been lately committed on the Indians
under the protection of His Majesty, and whose Tribes are at
present in Peace & Amity with His Majesty's Provinces, and
that the Offenders have not yet been discovered & brought
to Justice, and likewise that Settlements have been made on