Letter Bk. IV
but had you sent over a Deputation impowering him to
execute the Office as your Deputy & to receive the Fees
which may accrue (he to secure you the payment of so much
pr ann.) I do not see how Objections could be then made to
the Recording His Ldp's Commission to you & such your
Deputation: As I presume from what you write that you &
he have settled by Letter what is to be paid you Annually out
of the Office I have nothing to do with that matter but if that
Office will not afford to pay the £200 settled by Mr Calvert
(who raised it indeed from £50) I really do not know what
other Offices can be burthened to make good the Deficiency
for the Rest are much inferiour in Value to that even when
burthened with £200 excepting the Land Office which is at
present divided between two viz Messs Calvert & Steuart &
the Office of Agent & Receiver General which by the Sale of
the Mannours & by the Scarcity of Vacant Land to sell will
soon be greatly lessened, & It is not I think unlikely that
when it shall be known that Mr Dulany has upon your Appoint-
ment so much reduced the Sum which was by himself & his
Predecessors paid Mr Calvert out of the Secretarys Office, the
Commissary Genl whose Office is a Judicial One & not held
by Deputation might think himself also too much burthened
especially as his Office is much more troublesome, requires
constant Attendance & is less lucrative than that of Secretary.
As to the Deputation from Mr Calvert to Mr Dulany of which
His Ldp found a Copy I knew nothing thereof till Mr Dulany
told me that Mr Calvert had such Deputation prepared but
that upon his Representing to him that he could not act under
it nor produce it in the Province Mr Calvert said he was
content that Mr Dulany in case he made him the Payment
required should act under the Commission I had issued in his
favour. I shall in Consequence of the Intimation you give
me prompt some of the Assembly when they meet in Novr to
express their Loyalty Gratitude & Attachmt to His Majesty &
the Parliament in a becoming Address. The Proceedings of
Parliament during the late Session have indeed given the
greatest Satisfaction to His Majesty's American Subjects &
will I hope meet with a proper Return from Them. Being a
little afraid the immoderate Heat of the weather at this Season
& in this place particularly might subject me as it did last
year to an Ague & Fever I shall make an Excursion this Week
to Frederick Cty where the Heat is more moderate & do not
expect to return before the Beginning of next Month you will
not therefore be surprized at my not writing by the Ships
which may sail hence within that time tho if any thing extra-
ordinary should happen Mr Ridout will not fail to advise you
thereof by the earliest Opportunity. The Laws made at the