Eden or his order on every fifth of May & November annually
the Sum of Fifty Pounds, & also to my Brother William One
hundred Pounds on every Christmas Day agreeable to his
own Desire & in Obedience to Your Ldp's Order. I perceive
by Your Ldp's Letter that you had two Days before you were
pleased to favour me therewith received those that I had the
honour to address to Your Ldp the 15th of August with one to
Mr Calvert dated the 16th of the same Month. I have since
that time transmitted others to Your Ldp dated the 10th of
Septr 3d of Octr 11th Novr & 24 Decr & several to Mr Calvert
bearing Date the 10th Septr the 2d 8th 19th & 25th of Octr the
11th of Novr & 21st of Decr all which I hope have before this
time been presented to your Ldp, & as they contain an
Account of every thing material which had occurred here to
the time the last were written, I shall not trouble Your Ldp
again with any thing therein mentioned not doubting but
your Ldp will on a Perusal of those Letters favour me by the
first Opportunity with an answer to such parts of them as
apply for Your Ldps farther Instructions. As Colo Lloyd
desired to be excused attending the last Assembly (because
as he alleged) he was then engaged in making up his
Accounts with Your Ldp to be transmitted with all the Bills
of Exchange & Cash in his hands by a Ship of Mr Andersons
of which one Captain Love had the Command I hope that
before this time Your Ldp hath received both, & that he has
in some measure removed the ill Impression his preceeding
Dilitoriness had made. I really believe that he never intended
otherwise than to do your Ldp strict Justice, but as I have
before observed his having so many Affairs of his own to
mind & his living at such a Distance from Annapolis make it
impossible for him to give such Attention to Your Ldps Busi-
ness as a Person of less Estate & resident here could & might
be expected to give. If the Remittances lately made by him
have been short I am much afraid they will this year be much
shorter for as the Stamp Act has put a Stop to all Business in
the Land Office, & no Bond protested Bill &c can at this time
be put in suit (so that those who are in Debt here may bid
their Creditors Defiance) I do not suppose any Payments have
been made to the Agent since the Stamp Act was to take
place & if the Act is not suspended or repealed I know not
how long things may remain in such a Situation. As I shall
not for some time have any Opportunity of sending Letters
directly to London by a Ship from this province I shall transmit
this by the Packet & on that accot must refer Your Ldp to the
English Papers for a Sight of a Sight of the Pieces lately pub-
lished in the American Gazettes on the Subject of the Stamp
Law &c. calculated to keep alive the Spirit of Opposition that
Letter Bk. IV