I found however upon conversing with his Uncle that he did
not think his Nephew safe in the Province & that he should
therefore advise him to retire to New York if I would give
him a Letter to General Gage which I thereupon did request-
ing the General to give him his Protection. A Day or two
after the Mob had assembled in the Night as abovementioned
& while they were still in a Ferment The Tender belonging
to His Majesty's Sloop the Hornet unluckily came hither from
Virginia in pursuit of a small Schooner which the Master had
brought up the Bay without the Owners Orders or Consent,
scarcely had she dropt Anchor off of this place before a
number of People knowing what she was went on board to
enquire whether she had not brought up the Stamp't Paper
destined for this Province & were much dissatisfied because
Mr Mewbray the Officer belonging to the Hornet who com-
manded the Tender would not give them a direct Answer &
acquaint them with his Business. In the Evening Mr Mew-
bray & two Passengers which he had brought up with him
from Virginia came ashore to sup at a Publick House where
there happened to be a good Deal of Company but before
Supper it seems one of the persons who had gone on board
the Tender on her Arrival came into the Room where those
Gentlemen were with his Hatt on & a Paper therein with the
Words "No Stamp Act" printed thereon. The Officer con-
sidering such Behaviour as an intended Affront to him put the
Man out of the Room & ordered four of the Tenders Crew to
keep him out & to remain with their Arms at the Tavern
Door until the Company should break up. Some time after-
wards it seems a Dispute arose between one of the above-
mentioned Passengers (who was in liquor) & Mr Hammond
one of the Representatives for this County & in order to
determine the Affair they agreed to take a Bout at Boxing in
which Mr Hammond was much worsted, whereupon some ill
designing Persons (supposed to be the Man who had been
turned out of the Room & an Associate) went thro the Town
crying that the Officer of the Tender was then murdering Mr
Hammond which Outcry immediately brought a Mob together,
& some of them having Weapons in their hands fell upon the
Officer who had gone out into the Street & wounded him very
much, tho not dangerously & the Passenger who had occa-
sioned the Broil was forced to swim aboard the Tender in
order to save his Life. This is the Account Mr Mewbray gave
Mr Ridout the next Day when he went to pay him a Visit &
to invite him to come & remain at my House until he should
be well enough recovered to return to Virginia & by what I
can learn from others it is a pretty just Account. The Reason
of my being so particular in giving you the Detail is lest the