the Countenance & support in my power. After some Con-
versation however with his Uncle who as well as Mr Hoods
other Relations was I perceived afraid to receive him into
their Houses I found that he thought it more advisable for
him to retire a While from the Province & go to New
York in Case I would give him an Introductory Letter to the
General which therefore I took the liberty to do & as it is
known that he hath left the Province the Riotous Meetings
which his Presence occasioned have since ceased, & excepting
an Affair which Mr Calvert will communicate to Your Ldp
nothing else has occurred here worthy Your Ldps notice. As
I presume that Govr Bernard wrote & advised the Ministry
thereof as soon as he had reason to suspect the People in
New England would endeavour to oppose the Stamp Law's
having its intended Effect I am in hopes that in Expectation
of all the Colonies being disposed to act in the same manner
the Ministry will provide in time for the Suppression of Insur-
rections in them before the time comes for the Acts being
carried into Execution & particularly for the Preservation of
the Stamp't Paper which will I am afraid be otherwise
destroyed in the Provinces where there is no Military Force
to guard it or place of Security for it to be lodged in, of both
which your Ldp knows this place is destitute. I shall there-
fore when the Vessel with the Stamp't Paper (which I suppose
will be either a Man of War or Tender) arrives here caution
the Master of her against landing it, & advise him either to
ride at Anchor off in the Bay or return to Norfolk untill he
can receive farther Instructions from England unless I am
convinced that the Paper will be secure on Shore which as I
have already hinted I am really afraid will not be the Case, &
I thought it my Duty to say as much to General Gage when I
was writing to him by Mr Hood. Hoping that your Ldp will
rest assured that I shall on this as I have on all former Occa-
sions endeavour to preserve Peace & Good order in the
Government where I have the honour to preside & discharge
my Duty to both His Majesty & your Ldp I remain &c.
[Sharpe to Calvert]
Copy of 140th Letter to Mr Calvert Dated Annapolis the 10th
Septr 1765 transmitted by the Albion.
Being informed that one Capt Christie is about to sail from
Potuxent for London I embrace the Opportunity to acquaint
you with what has passed here since I wrote to His Ldp &
you the 15th & 16th of last Month in which I intimated to you
that Mr Hood was just arrived here & had paid me a Visit in