Letter Bk. IV
I had last year to be dissatified with the Conduct of those two
Gentlemen, of whose ruling Passions you seem I think to be
pretty well apprized. It gives me pleasure to find by His
Ldp's Instructions & by your Letter that the Step I took
upon the Discovery of Mr Darnall's fraudulent neglect was
well approved of & I return you Thanks for your friendly
Offices towards Dr Scott in whose favour I hope to receive
His Ldp's Instruction before the Arrears due from Mr Darnall
are paid by Mr Ross. Unable to guess what it is that malice
can have suggested to the Doctor's Disadvantage I cannot
attempt to vindicate him from the Aspersion but confident
am I that his Character will stand the nicest Scrutiny. Never-
theless there may perhaps be still Letter Writers in the Prov-
ince arrogant enough to misrepresent & make as free with
him as that very ingenious & candid Gentleman out of his
great Zeal as he is pleased to intimate for the honour of His
Ldp's Government did with Mr Ridout, when he was advising
his Merchant (whom doubtless it must prodigiously concern) of
that Gentleman's Promotion. Who were the People I wonder
that this sham Friend to His Ldp says were in so great a
Ferment at Mr Ridout' s being appointed a Member of the
Council? Were they His Ldp's Friends or his Enemies?
if the former why then no doubt one should expect that
Mr Ridout was obnoxious to the Rest of the Council, but
sure I am that One alone excepted there is not another who
is not well pleased to have him among them. Were they
then His Ldp's Enemies or those who have distinguish't them-
selves by ther Opposition that were in a ferment at his prefer-
ring to a Seat in the Council & upper House a Person who
according to the letter writers Accounts wants Capacity to
support the Rights of the Proprietor ? Is it probable that such
Persons would except against him on that Account & com-
plain of his not being throughly acquainted with the Constitu-
tion of the Province ? Or can it be supposed that those of the
Inhabitants who having never been Members of either House
could not see enough of Mr Ridout to form any Judgment of
him or his Capacity are the people who were said to be in
such a terrible ferment? But the Truth is that when the
Dulanys found they were no.t to be one Commissary General
& the other Secretary & in short to be gratified in all their
Demands however unreasonable They & those with whom
they were particularly connected resolved to wreak their
Vengeance on him whom they were pleased to consider as an
Interloper (& I am satisfied that had any other Person been
preferred on Colo Tasker's Death they would have been
equally dissatisfied) a thousand Lies were most industriously
propagated through the Country, even his not having been