of which a Duplicate was transmitted to myself. By the next
Ship that sails I shall probably be able to inform Your Ldp
whether he seems disposed to pursue the Plan therein laid
down & prescribed to him. Mr Bacon having come to Anna-
polis the Beginning of the winter in order to Collate or exam-
ine his manuscript Acts of Assembly with the Records is still
here when he returns again to Frederick County I shall induct
him in the usual form to All Saints Parish & shall also execute
Your Ldp's Instructions in favour of the Revd Mr Williamson
& Mr Keene. Mr Calvert having signified to me your Ldp's
Desire to have me procure & send Your Ldp by the first
Opportunity two Pipes of Old Madeira Wine & a Hhd of
Maryland Burgundy I have used my utmost Endeavours to
get for Your Ldp some good Madeira that has been two or
three years in the Country but not having been able to suc-
ceed to my wishes (for what the Merchants generally import
for Sale is of the inferiour Sort) I have sent Your Ldp a Pipe
of Madeira that I imported three years ago for my own use
& as it is the best & oldest I have I flatter myself it will please
your Ldp's Taste. The inclosed Letter will shew Your Ldp
that for the Wine which we imported last Summer (& it seems
there is no Probability of its price being lower) we were
obliged to pay to the Merchant in Madeira at the Rate of
£33 Slg a Pipe to which if there be added Thirty Shillings for
Freight & Premium for Insurance at Seven pr Cent, each pipe
at our Cellar Doors costs near £37 Stg, which I am told is
twice as much as it would sell for here about twelve or four-
teen years ago. What I must pay for a Pipe of Wine to
replace this I cannot say but if Your Ldp would choose to have
a certain quantity sent from hence every year & will be pleased
to let me know how much, I will write to my Correspondent
in Madeira for such Additional quantity annually & when
it hath been a Summer or two meliorating here will ship it to
Your Ldp. There hath been no Burgundy made in Maryland
since my Arrival except two or three Hhds which Colo Tasker
made in 1759 this was much admired by all that tasted it in
the months of Feby & March following, but in a week or two
afterwards it lost both its Colour & Flavour so that no person
would touch it & the ensuing winter being a severe one
destroyed almost all the Vines.
With the utmost Respect I am My Ld
Yr Ldps &c
P. S. Having been informed since I concluded my Lettr
that a Ship of Colo Lloyds which carries 20 Guns is expected
every hour from the West Indies & will be immediately loaded
with Tobo for London I have not sent the Pipe of Madeira on
board this Ship as I intended to do when I wrote the above