[W. Adams to Sharpe.]
Diana in York River Virginia 22 Jany 1762
Sir: At my arrival in this place agreeable to my Lord
Colvill's order, I sent a Lieut with my Letters to Govr Fauquier
beging his favour of Dispatching them to you, but found after
seven weeks waiting in this Port that they have not come to
hand. I now have Employ'd a Boat on purpose from hence
for your Answer, and I likewise send you a copy of my orders,
and beg that His Majesty's ship may not Lay here undeter-
mined which way the Diana is to proceed, for his Lordship
does not know if I am arrived or not, nor is it in my Power to
acquaint him with my Proceedings 'till I have your answer, as
you was desirous of a Convoy for your Ships and a Petition
with Two and Twenty names to it, his Lordship Dispatch'd
me immediately on that service.
I am, sir your most obedient
Humble Servant
Wm Adams