Advancement of coins, 142, 493.
Advancement of trade, 111, 132, 217.
Amerciaments, 514.
Appeals, 444.
Arrests on Sabbath days, 476.
Attachments and executions, 522.
Burning fences, 487.
Coopers, 552.
Coroners, 515.
County charges, 470.
County courts, 521.
Court days, 122, 528.
Criminals' fees, 550.
Disposers of tobacco, 518.
Divulgers of false news, 439.
Duty on liquors, 460.
Election of delegates, 541.
Election of sheriffs, 468.
Encouragement of tillage, 532.
Erecting towns, 218.
Errors in law, 462.
Establishment of religion, 425.
Expenses of courts, 462.
Exportation of leather and hides, 496.
Exportation of wool and iron, 223, 496.
Flax and hemp, 222.
Foreign debts, 502.
Gauge of tobacco hogsheads, 552,
Grand juries, 501.
Harbors, 487.
Height offences, 472.
Highways, 486.
Hog-stealers, 477.
Horses, increase of, 549.
Importation of negroes, 505.
Indians, 479, 525, 560.
Ingrossers and regrators, 526, 544.
Limitation of actions, 481.
Limitation of fees, 506, 512.
Linen and woollen cloth, 220.
Lists of taxables, 538.
London agent, 467.
Militia, 554.
Minor offices, 515.
Naturalization, 440.
Naturalization of:
Nicholas Verbraeck,
Peter Bayard,
Arnold us de la Grange,
Peter Sluyter,
Jasper Bankers,
Jacob Seth, 126.
Derick Browne,
Paul and Mary Berte, 144.
John Ouldson,
Mathias Vanderheyden, 536.
Naval officers' fees, 463.
Negroes, 505.
Ordinaries, 213, 488, 545.
Orphans' estates, 215, 495.
Perjury and subornation, 458.
Preservation of harbors, 487.
Proceedings at law, 483.
Protested bills, 449.
Public levy, no, 130, 225, 465.
Publication of laws, 467.
Publication of marriages, 450.
Quieting possessions, 449.
Recognition of William and Mary, 425.
Recording conveyances, 473.
Recording journal, 121, 533.
Recording laws, 448.
Registering births, etc., 529.
Religion, 425.
Repairing; State House, 223.
Repeal of laws, 560.
Reviving laws, 123, 139, 211.
Securing creditors, 537.
Securing tobacco, 469.
Seizure of tobacco, 484.
Servants and slaves, 451, 546.
Servants that have bastards, 501.
Sheriffs, etc., as attorneys, 483.
Sheriffs ex-officio, 471.
Speedy trials, 479.
Stay of executions, 519.
Suits for small debts, 447.
Support of governor, 438, 441.