556 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692.
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
the Service, then the said Trooper to be paid for the said
Horse by the Publick and not otherwise.
4iy That all Persons in Holy orders delagates Magistrals
and Constables shall in their proper psons be Exempted
from being compelled to Muster and Train either in horse or
Foot during such Terme as they officiate or bear such Offices
as aforesaid Provided that this clause shall not Extend to
such psons as already have or hereafter shall accept Comisions
p. 239
for Military Service from the Governor of this Province for
the time being, so as to discharge such persons from their
respective charges menconed in such their severall and respec-
tive Commissions neither shall this Clause nor any part there-
of be construed or taken to Excuse any Delagates Magistrates
or Constables as aforesaid from sending into the field to
muster or Training either to Horse or Foot when and as often
as due notice and summons shall be to them given as afore-
said, some other Person or psons in his or their stead and
place so provided or Equipp'd as aforesaid upon forfeiture as
aforesaid And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid,
That all negros and Slaves whatsoever shall be Exempted the
duty of Training or any other Military Service.
5thly That the pay for the Officers & Soldiers of the Foot
and Horse aforesaid be not other thn is hereafter menconed
& for no longr time, then such Officers & Soldrs that be in
actuall Service to witt lb. Tob.
To every Major Genll being Cheif Comandr in the field 3000
Tob. p men
To every Coll of Foot
and th£ every Coll: of Horse have
To a Majr of Foot
and that a Major of Horse have
To a Capt of Foot
a Capt of Horse to be allowed
To a L' of Foot
a L' of horse.
To an Ensign
To a Cornet
To a Serj'
To a Quarter Master
To a Corporall
To a Corporall
To a Drummer
To a Trumpeter
And to every private
Soldr 300
And to every private Troopr
p. 240
And that all these Rates and allowances for such Officrs and
Soldiers aforesaid, shall be allowed and paid and no more,
and the Months before menconed be Accounted computed
and reckoned according to the Kallender and no otherwise.
6thly And to the intent that whensoever it shall appear to
the Cheif Governor of this Province for the time being or his
Councill to be necessary to raise Forces for Suppressing of
any Forreign Invasion or domestick Insurrection or Rebellion
or a War with any Indians, That the said Officers and Soldiers
may be duly paid according to the proporcons aforesd and all
other charges and Expences for the Charge and Management
of such Warr may be duly paid & discharged without which
this Province cannot be defended and secured. Be it Enacted