the uses aforesaid, And the Master Mistress or dame so
offending as aforesaid, shall also forfeit the sume of Ten
thousand pounds of Tobacco one half to the King and Queen
their heirs and Successors for the support of Government
within this Province, The other half to him or them that shall
informe or sue for the same to be recovered in any Court of
Record within this Province by bill plaint or Information
wherein no Essoine Protection or wager of Law shall be
allowed, And any Priest Minister Magistrate or other person
whatsoever within this Province that shall from and after the
Publication hereof joyn in Marriage any Negro or other Slave
to any English or other white woman Servant free born as
aforesaid shall forfeite and pay the sum of Ten thousand
pounds of Tobacco, one half to their said Majesties their heirs
and successors, to the use aforesaid and the other half to the
Informer to be recovrd as aforesaid Any Law Statute or use-
age to the Contrary notwithstanding.
June 4th 1692 June the 2d 1692
Assented to by the Councill Board The house of Assembly
Signed p Ordr have Assented
John Llewellin Clk. Signed p Ordr
Hen: Denton Clk.
An Act for the restraining of the unreason-
able encrease of Horses in this Province.
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
p. 225
Whereas by the great encrease of horses within this Prov-
ince, the Inhabitants do find therhselvs very much Impover-
ished in their Stock and damnified in their Cornfields to the
ruine and destruction of the Inhabitants and lessning of all
sorts of Provision and forasmuch as there hath been hitherto
no Law Provided as a Remedy to restrain this growing and
intollerable Grievance Be it Enacted by the King and Queens
most Excellent Majests by and with the advice and consent of
this present Generall Assembly and the Authority of the same,
That every person that shall take up any stoned horse of any
person or persons within this Province shall have two hun-
dred pounds of Tobacco for reward for the same The taker
up delivering said horse to the owner of the said horse and
the owner thereof shall be obliged to Cutt the same within six
weeks after the delivery of the said horse under the penalty
of four hundred pounds of Tobacco unless the said horse be
fourteen hands high to be adjudged by the next justice of
Peace And that all Stallions of the said size shall be kept within
a fence or the owners thereof shall be obliged to cutt the same
within six weeks under the penalty of four hundred pounds of
Tobacco, And that all Horse Colts whatsoever be cutt for
p. 226