538 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692.
Lib. L. L.
No 1.
An Act for the Constables taking a List
of Taxables.
Whereas through the Idleness and carelessness of some
constables in this Province many false Lists of the Taxable
Persons in this Province are returned and for that Severall
Constables in this Province do commonly proceed to take the
severall Lists of Taxables upon hearsay without going to the
p. 203
several and respective houses in their hundred to enquire of
the Mastrs of the respective families the number of Taxables in
every family, By which neglect the Inhabitants of this Province
are often times very much abused and wronged, Be it there-
fore Enacted by the King and Queens most Excellent Maj-
esties, by and with the advice and consent of this present
Generall Assembly and by the Authority of the same That from
and after the Publication hereof every Constable within this
Province shall between the twentieth day of June and the last
day of July repaire in person to every respective house or habi-
tation within this hundred, and there enquire of the Master
Mistresses Dames or other cheif person in the family, what
number of Taxable persons they and every of them have wthin
their respective families, And after Enquiry made a true and
fair list shall return of all and every Taxable person within his
hundred as aforesaid under his hand unto the Sherriff of the
County, and another fair list thereof undr his hand, such Con-
stable shall present at the next County Court there to be set
up, and if in case any Master Mistress dame or other Cheif
person of a Family shall refuse or deny to give an Accompt
of the Taxable persons of their familys or upon their Accompt
shall conceal any Taxable person or persons in his or their
p. 204
family shall for every such Offence not given a true Accot of
them to the Constables when required, And every person
Taxable so by him concealed forfeit & pay one thousand
pounds of Tobacco for such Person or persons so by him or
them concealed, And every Constable neglecting his Office
herein shall forfeit & pay the sum of five hundred pounds of
Tobacco for every offence, such forfeitures and fines to be
levied by the Justices of the respective County Courts for the
use of the Poor of the Parish wherein such Constables and
Inhabitants do'dwell and reside and by them to be disposed
of for the use aforesaid as the said Justices shall think fitt
And to the end that no person for the future may be Ignorant
what Persons are Taxables and what not Be it Enacted by and
with the Advice and Consent aforesaid and the Authority of
the same, That all Male Children born within this Province and
Resident in it shall be taken and Accompted Taxables at the
Age of sixteen years and upwards, and all male Children Ser-