ing. Provided and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid
that if any debt or debts shall or may be payable or due from
or to any person or persons debtor or Creditor living or
Trading into this Province, under thirty three shillings and
four pence or four hundred pounds of Tobacco, That then and
in such case it shall be tendred and paid in any one perticular
cofnodity or kind of Corn or provision that is made Currant
and rated as aforesaid, and not in diverse the said perticular
kind or Comodity to be at Ellection of the payor or debtor
this Act to Endure for three years or to the End of the next
Generall Assembly which shall first happen
June 2d 1692 June the 2d 1692
Assented to by the Councll Board The house of Assembly
Signed p Order have Assented
John Llewellin Clk. Signed p Ordr
Hen: Denton Clk.
An Act for Recording the
Journall of the house of Assembly