Provided nevertheless that it shall be Lawfull for any Justice
of the Peace or other Magistrate lawfully Authorized to Com-
mitt and Punish such person or persons as shall refuse to take
the Oaths mentioned in the sd Act of Parliament according to
the Appointment thereof, the same Oaths being Tendred unto
him or them in such maner as the said Act directs and appoints
anything herein Contained to the Contrary thereof in any
wise notwthstanding.
June 4th 1692 June the 2d 1692
Assented to by the Councill Board The house of Assembly
Signed p Ordr have Assented
John Llewellin Clk Signed p Ordr
Hen: Denton Clk.
An Act Imposing a penalty on all
such who shall dispose of Tobacco
seized and received by the Sherriffs and others.