An Additionall and Supplementary Act to the Act for
Advancemt of trade —
An Act for Reviveing the Temporary Lawes of this Prov-
An Act for paymt & assessing the publick charge of this
An Act for Recording the Journall of the Lower house
An Act for Naturalization of Nicholas Verbraeck
An Act for Naturalization of Jacob Seth
An Act for Naturalization of Peter Byard &ca
To all wch bills his Lspp passed his Assent and signed the
same in manner foll: vizt
Aprill the 26th 1684:
Wee will these to be Lawes C. Baltemore
Signed also & Sealed by the Chancelors or Keepers of the
Scale as foll vizt
Aprill 26: 1684:
Published under the greate Seale Henry Darnall
Wm Digges
His Lspp in presence of both houses Declares his generall
disassent to all the Lawes made and passed in his absence out
of this Province by his deputy, Thomas Notley Esqr in the
yeare 1678: save onely such of them as his Lp since his arrivall
had formally assented unto Soe that all other of the said
Lawes are from henceforth Null and void to all Intents and
purposes —