occasioned many Errors and iregularities in proceedings of
Law and Equity and in the Court for probate of Wills to be
Committed for preventing of all disputes and troubles that
may happen thereupon Be it Enacted by the King and
Queens most Excellt Majestys, by and with the advice and
Consent of this present Genll Assembly and the Authority of
the same, That all Bills Plaints Process, Precepts, Pleas, Judge-
ments, Indictments, Informations, Proceedings, causes, Matters
and things whatsoever commenced or depending in any of the
said Courts since the first day of Aprill 1690, shall be good
and Effectuall notwithstanding any Errors therein conteined
by discontinuances or otherwise whatsoever by reason of the
said late troubles Provided nevertheless that no person or
persons whatsoever shall have or take any benefit! of this Act
for any Error or Mistake in any of the Processes, Pleas or
other Proceedings not occasioned by the said late Troubles,
but that the same shall remain and be as if this Act had never
been made any thing herein contained to the Contrary thereof
in any wise notwithstanding And forasmuch as by reason of
the late Revolution all Judiciall proceedings were impeaded
and hindred for above two years last past Vizt from the year
of Our Lord 1690 to this present time being the year of Our
Lord 1692. Be it Enacted and Ordeined by and wth the
advice and Consent aforesaid and the Authority of the same,
that the said years shall not be accounted as years included &
meant in the Statute of Limitations for payment or demand
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
by debts due by Bond or Bill or Judgement or in the clause
for the due returng of certificats upon Warrants for Land
granted or suing out of Patents for Land according to the
directions and Instructions of any of the Lord Baltemores
Conditions of Plantations, or in the Clause for taking or
suing out of Patents for Land conteined in his Lordships
Conditions of Plantation, but that in those and such like Cases
the said years of Our Lord be past by and not accounted of
for those years thereby meant or Mentioned.
June 4th 1692 June 4th 1692
Assented to by the Councill Board The house of Assembly
Signed p Ordr John Llewellin Clk have Asstd
Signed p Ordr
Hen. Dentn Clk.
p. 66