for mainteining the same which his Lordsp hath in no wise
complyed with, and forasmuch as this present Generall Assem-
bly conceives his said Lordsp was incapacitated for performing
what (upon making the said Act) was meant and intended
should have been performed, It is humbly prayed it may be
Enacted and be it Enacted by the King and Queens most
Excellent Majesties by and with the advice and Consent of
this present Genll Assembly and the Authority of the same.
That from and after the Publication hereof, every Ship or
Vessell (not properly belonging to this Province) having a
Deck flush fore and aft coming in and Trading within this
Province shall pay for Fort dutys or Anchorage the sum of
fourteen pence sterl. money of England to be paid to our
Soveraign Lord and Lady the King and Queen their heirs
and Successors for support of the Government within this
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
And Whereas also it hath been thought meet and Con-
venient by this present Generall Assembly, that an Anuall &
certain allowance should be made to such persons who are
apptd and chosen to be of their Majesties Councill within this
Province (except such as shall have and receive places of
profitt) Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, by and wth
the advice and Consent aforesaid, That every person or per-
sons nominated and appointed to be of their Majests Councill
within this Province and having no such place of proffit as
aforesaid, shall for and in Satisfaction of their loss and time
attending the Councill upon all occasions have and receive
the sum of thirty pounds sterl. p ann, the said Councillors to
whom such Allowance is made defraying their own Expences
without any charge to the Publick whatsoever And be it
further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the sume of
thirty pounds Sterl. to the person or persons so as aforesaid
due, shall be levyed and paid out of the aforesd Subsidy of
fourteen pence p Tun, and the remainder to go to the Supply
of this Province with sufficient Provision of Arms and Amuni-
tion any thing herein conteined to the Contrary notwithstand-
ing. Provided allwayes and it is the true intent and meaning
of this Act, that no Vessell or Vessells whatsoever properly
belonging to this Province, coming and Trading within this
Province shall pay or be charged with any Port Dutys or
p. 62