454 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692.
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
Be it Enacted by the Authority advice and consent aforesaid
That every man servant shall at such time of Expiration of his
servitude aforesaid, have allowed and given him a good Cloath
suite either of Kersey or broad Cloath a Shift of white Linnen
to be new, one new pair of shoes and stockins, two hoes one
Ax and three barrlls of Indian Corn, all women Servants at the
time of the Expiration of their Servitude as aforesaid shall
have allowed and given her the like Provision of Cloaths and
Corn as aforesaid, And to the intent That many great mischeifs
and inconveniencies arrisg and accrewing to divers good People
of this Province, by the Transporting and carrying or Convey-
ing away or cause to be Transported carnyed or conveyed
away out of this Province, any Inhabitant within this Province
whether master or freeman not thereunto Lawfully Lycenced
or any Apprentice hired or other servant or slave may for the
future be prevented Bee it further Enacted by the Authority
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aforesaid, That every person or persons that shall so Trans-
port carry or Convey away or cause to be Transported Carryed
or Conveyed away out of this Province any Inhabitant of this
Province, That is or shall be indebted or Engaged and then
not having a Sufficient Lycence or Pass according to the Law
of this Province in that Case made and Provided shall be
lyable to satisfy all such Debts Engagements or damages as
the said Person or Persons so Transported Carried or con-
veyed away should be lyable to Satisfy to any Persons to
whom the same shall be respectively due in this Province
unless the same be otherwise satisfied in convenient, time or
that in short time he cause or procure such person or person
so carried and conveyed away to return again into this Prov-
ince whereby he may be lyable to Justice here, And any per-
son or persons whatsoever that shall from henceforth enter
and Transport carry or privately convey away out of this
Province any apprentice hired or other servant or slave be-
longing to any Inhabitant in this Province shall for every such
offence forfeit and pay to the Imployer or owner of such Ap-
prentice hired or other servant or Slave Treble damages and
Costs to be Judged by the Justices of each respective County
Court or the Justices of the Provinciall Court for the time of
such Apprentices hired or other servants or Slaves unlawfully
transported or carried away as aforesaid And whereas many
and great Inconveniencies have happened and accrewed unto
many mastrs Mrs or dames within this Province by the wicked-
ness and infidelity of their Servants purloining their masters
Mistresses or dames goods and then bartering selling and
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conveying away the same unto seamen and others where
Masters and Mistress's of Families are and have been very
much damnified and abused, for the prevention of the like