Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
of this Generall Assembly and by the Authority of the same.
That from and after Publication hereof no Servant or Servants
whatsoever within this Province whether by Indenture or ac-
cording to the custome of the Countrey or hired for wages
shall travell by Land or water ten miles from the house of his
her or their Master Mistress or dame without a note under
their hands or under the hand of his her or their overseer (if
any be) under the penalty of being taken for a Runaway, And
to suffer such penalties as are hereafter provided against run-
awaies And it is hereby further Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid That any such Servant or Servants as aforesaid un-
lawfully absenting him her or themselves from his her or their
said Master Mistress or dame or overseer shall serve ten days
for every one days absence to be judged when such Master
Mistress or dame shall bring their said servants before the
Justices of the Provinciall Court or County Court, where the
owner Master Mrs or dame or overseers of such servants shall
live during the sitting of the Court, be it before or after the
Expiran of such servants first time of service by Indenture or
otherwise And be it further Enacted by the Authority afore-
said That any person or persons whatsoever That shall witt-
ingly and willingly deteyn any such Servant or Servants un-
p. 46
lawfully absenting him her themselvs as aforesaid shall be
fined five hundred pounds of Tobacco for every night or four
and twenty houres that such person or persons shall give
Entertainmt to such Servt or Servants unlawfully absenting him
her or themselves as aforesaid, The one half to their Majests
for the support of the Government, and the other to the In-
former or him that shall sue for the same, to be recovered in
any Court of this Province by Action of debt bill plaint or
Informatn wherein no Essoyn protection or wager of Law be
allowed. And for the better discovery of Runawaies. It is
hereby further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That any
person or persons whatsoever within the Province Travelling
out of the County where he she or they shall live or reside
without a Pass under the seale of the said County for which
they are to Pay ten pounds of Tobacco or one shilling in
money, such person or persons if apprehended not being
sufficiently known or able to give a good account of himself
to be left to the discretion and Judgement of such Magistrate
before whom e such person as aforesd shall be brought to Judge
thereof, And if before such Magistrate or Magistrates brought
shall be deemed and taken as a runaway shall suffer such
Fines and penalties as is hereby provided against runawayes
And for the better encouragement of all persons to seize and
take up such runawaies It is Enacted by the Authority afore-
said that all and every person or persons aforesaid apprehendg