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An Act for the due Recording of all the
Laws in this Province in the Secretarys Office.
The Governor and Councill Burgesses and Delegates of
this prsent Generall Assembly taking into their serious con-
siderations the great danger and inconveniencies that hereto-
fore have and hereafter may happen by the carelessness &
negligence of the Laws of this Province by neglect of the
severall officers and ministers of this Province in suffering the
same to ly in loose Papers and unrecorded for prevention
whereof for the future Bee it Enacted by the King and
Queens most Excellent Majesties by and wth the Advice and
Consent of this present Generall Assembly and the Authority
of the same, That the Secretary of this Province in whose
custody the Records of this Province remain, do at or before
the Tenth day of September next ensuing cause all such Acts
of Assembly and Laws of this Province as shall be of force at
the end of this present Sessions of Assembly to be Entred
upon Record in a large new Book of a large folio and good
.Substantiall paper well bound in a leather Cover for that pur-
pose, to be kept only in the Secretaries Office in a fair and
leagable sett hand and Charrecter, and shall also cause the
same to be Examined by the Originall Acts remaining upon
Record under the hands of the severall Clerks of the
Assembly, and the Cheif Governor of this Province for the
time being his Assent made thereunto at the End of the last
Sessions of Assembly, and the same so Entred shall be sealed
with the lesser seal and signed by the honble the Secretary,
and that his honr the Secretary do also cause a list and Cata-
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logue of the said Laws to be Entred in the said Book and an
Index or Table of the Principall mattr therein conteined to be
made alphabettically for the more easy & ready finding out the
Matters therein conteyned, and in default thereof by the time
aforesaid, the said Secretary shall Pay as a fine for the same,