438 Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692.
Lib. L. L.
No. 1.
at the rate of two pence per pound for one moiety of the
imposition aforesd the other moiety by the said Act raised
to be imployed towards the Maintaining a Constant Maga-
zine and defraying other publick & necessary charges of the
Government. And whereas the freemen of this Provce now
assembled upon strict scrutiny made into the premisses, do
find his said Lordsp hath not only been very defficient and at
small charges and expence in maintaining a Magazine as
aforesaid, but that this Province hath been oblieged to defray
all publick charges arising for the support of Government by
way of an equall assessment upn the Inhabitants thereof, the
severall provisoes in the afore recited Act to the contrary not-
withstanding, And whereas also his said Lopp the aforesaid
moyety of two shill p hhd under pretext of maintaining a
p. 22
magazine as aforesaid hath hitherto converted the same to his
own use to the Impoverishing of the Country and defraud of
the Publick and being now incapacitatd of complying with what
by the said Act for the said Moyety of two shillings p hhd is
required. Bee it therefore Enacted by the King and Queens
most Excellent Majests by and with the advice and consent of
this present Generall Assembly and the Authority of the same,
that the said one shilling p hhd for the defraying the charges
of Government aforesaid commencing from this present
shipping as well for such ships or Vessells as have already
cleared before the making of this Act as for such remaining
in this Province be raised leavyed Collected and paid unto
Our Soveraign Lord and Lady the King and Queens most
Excellent Majesties their heirs and Successors for the support
of their Governor for the time being in and over this their
Majts Province aforesaid and Territories to the same belonging
for every hhd or quantity of a hhd of Tobacco which hath been
for and during the time aforesaid, or which hereafter shall be
at any time shipp'd in any ship or Vessell to be Exported out
of this Province or any the Territories, Islands, Ports, Rivers,
Creeks or places thereunto belonging as aforesaid And be
it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, by and with the
advice and consent aforesaid, that the said duty & Imposition
shall be from time to time paid and satisfied by the Masters
or Master of every such Ship or Vessel respectively in which
any such Tobacco shall be Exported upon his or their clearing
p. 23
and taking out his or their dispatch or dispatches for every
such respective Ship or Vessell and before the departure of
such Ship or Vessel coming into this Province shall at their
first arrivall here and before their loading on board any
Goods or Commodities of the growth production & manufac-
ture of this Province, give good and sufficient security to his
Excncy or to the Officer thereunto especially appointed for the