Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692. 427
All which forfeitures shall be Imployed to and for the use of
the Poor of the Parish Citty or Bourrough where such Offences
shall be comitted of the which the said Justices Magistrates
head Officers Sherriffs or Constables shall render an Accompt
at the next Court to be holden for the Respective Counties
Citties or Burroughs, And in default of such distress the
Sherriff under sherriff or Constable are hereby authorized and
impowered to bind them over to the next Court to be holden
for the County Citty or Burrough respectively, and to be
during the Intervall of good behaviour
And be it likewise Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that
no ordinary keeper Master or Mistress of a family from and
after the time aforesaid either directly or indirectly by any
Colour or pretence whatsoever (unless in case of absolute
necessity) shall or may uppon any Lords day as aforesaid sell
any strong Liquor whatsoever to any person what soever or
knowingly or wittingly suffer or permitt in or about his her or
their house or houses, any Tippleing Drunkeness or gameing
Exercise or pastime whatsoever as aforesaid being convicted
thereof by two Sufficient Witnesses under the penalty of two
thousand pounds of Tobacco, the one Moyety or one half
part thereof to their said Majests their heirs or Successors to
the support of the Government and the other half to him or
them that shall sue for the same, by bill plaint or Information
in any Court of Record within this Province, And if any ordi-
nary keeper, to loose his Licence. And for the raising of a
Supply of the Ministry and the Maintenance of the ministers
of Gods word and Sacraments
Lib. L. L.
p. 4
Bee it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid that the severall
Commissioners and Justices of each respective county within
this Province shall at some convenient time between this and
the first day of September next ensuing, meet togethr at the
respective places of holding the Courts for the same Countys,
and shall give notice to the most principall Freeholders of the
severall Counties to attend them at the said time and place of
meeting to be by the said Comissrs and Justices appointed,
ten days before the same and thereby and with the advice of
the principall freeholders aforesaid, so many of them as the
said Commissioners and Justices shall call to their Assistance
divide and lay out their severall and respective Counties into
severall districts and Parishes so many as the conveniency of
each respective county and the scituation of the same will
afford and allow of, as in the discretion of the said Justices with
the advice aforesaid shall be thought convenient And the
same districts and Parishes the said Justices shall cause to be
laid out by meets and Bounds and fair certificats of each Parish
with the most evident and demonstrable Bounds of the same.
p. 5