Maryland ss.
Att an Assembly held at the Citty of St Mary's on the Tenth
Day of May Anno Dom. 1692. And in the 4th Year of the
Reign of Our Soveraign Lord & Lady William and Mary by
the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland
King and Queen &ca These Acts following were made.
An Act of Recognition
Wee your Majesties most humble and Loyall Subjects of
this your Majesties Province of Maryland the Governor and
Generall Assembly do beseech your Most Excellent Majestys
that it may be Publish' d & declared in the Generall Assembly
and Enacted by authority of the same. That we do Recognize
and Acknowledge your Majestys are and of Right ought to
be by the Laws of the Realme of England Our Sovereign
Liege Lord and Lady King and Queen of England Scotland
France and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging
in and to whose Princely Persons the Royall State Crown &
Dignity of the said Realms, wth all honors Stiles Titles Regali-
ties, Prerogatives, Powers Jurisdictions and Authorities to the
same belonging & appertaining are most fully rightfully &
intirely invested & Incorporated united and Annexed
June the 2d 1692
The house of Assembly have Assented
7th June 1692 Signed p Order
Assented to by the Councill Board Hen:
Signed p Order W: Taylard Clk Assitt