Petition preferred by seuerall Mastrs of Shipps & Read,
which sett forth that the two Brownes being Shipps of force &
ready to Sayle & haueing protection from all Embargoes,
which now the said Petitionrs lay vnder, notwithstanding were
able to make vp a ffieet of about Twenty Sayle & therefore
capable to make a pretty good Defence if opposed. That if
they were now stopt from their Voyage it would be of Con-
siderable ill Consequence to them, provissions being scarce to
gett, besides runing the hazard of this Countrey. Seasoning
they therefore desire this house will be pleased to interceed
with the Gournor in their behalfe that they may be permitted
now to Sayle: To which the house nemine Contradicente did
Petition of Seuerall freeholders of Calvert County preferred,
and read, the maine Purport whereof was that their Election
for Burgesses had not been fairly carryed on, & the same was
left to the Comittee of Elections to Consider off.
The said Comittee tooke leave of the House and Carryed
wth them the Returnes of the Writts of Election & Petition of
Calvert County ffreeholders to Consider off.
Mr Greenfield a Delegate of Calvert County moves the
House & does say he can giue vpon Oath of some illegall
& vnfaire proceedings passed at the Election of Burgesses in
their County and there vpon was Ordered to make his report
to the Comittee of Elections Concerning the same.
Mr Wm out to draw vp a Petition to the Gouern
according to the purport of their request
Returne the Gournor & Councill sent to this
sworne in the Upper house.
Ridgeley, Mr Sanders, Mr Hawkins Mr Mason
Capt Whittington Capt Hoskins, Mr Wheeler Mr
Mr Ashman Capt Mittchell Majr Mr King, Doctr Brooke,
Mr Wynne (Viz).
Mr Dent.
Signed John LLewellin Clk
Moued member of this house that a Comittee of
Agreevances might goe forth by the house was thought
necessary and therevpon Mr Speaker appointed Mr Wattson
Coll Smith and Mr Hoskins to goe forth as a Comittee
Examine into such matters & make a report thereof to
the House. Coll Codd giues notice to the members of the
house that if any of them haue any agreevances to Offer they
should present them, wherevpon Capt Whittington moued to
the house that he had some Grievances drawne vp in a paper
in his Shallop, and therefore asked Leave to fetch it wch was
granted him