The Governor of New Yorks Letter Recommended to the
Consideration of the House returned hither with the Endorse-
ment vizt
By the House of Assembly 9th June 1692.
This House do humbly Conceive that matter concerning
peace & War belongs to the King to Conclude and therefore
Referr themselves for an Answer to be Given to the within
mentioned by his Excellency
Signed p Order
Henry Denton Clk Assembly.
Brought from the House the Act for Payment of the publick
Charges &c read and Passed the first time
Sent back by Mr Tench and Captain Courts they return
The Speaker and Members of the House attended his
Excellency and this Board at the Passing and sealing the Laws
passed this Sessions
They passed the Seal and are thus endorsed June the 9th
On behalf of their Majestys King William and Queen Mary
I will these to be Laws Signed
L Copley.
His Excellency declares his Resolution of Adjourning the
Assembly till the 20th day of October next and Orders the
Speaker to Adjourn his House to that time.
Accordingly this Assembly is Adjourned to the 20th day of
October 1692
Signed p Order
John LLewellin Clk