Ordered to be drawn a Bill prohibiting the selling Giving
or disposing of any Strong Liquors to the Indians &c
Accordingly drawn and sent to the House by Mr Tench
together with a Bill intituled an Act for Ordering and regu-
lating the Militia of this Province for the better defence and
Security thereof which he is to Recommend to the House as
being found amongst the papers of this Board and not known
how or by what means it came there
Came Mr Dent from the House with the Act for Ascertain-
ing what Laws are Repealed within this province to which he
herein is Charged to speak and Acquaint this Board that the
members of the House do humbly Conceive the end and
design of the said Bill is sufficiently set Out in its self as now
drawn that the whole Body of the Laws has been very care-
fully and dilligently perused and Examined wherein they find
several of the indefinite Laws vizt That for the 2s p hhd &
that for Towns &c with many others which they thought not
Convenient at all to touch upon or alter other wise then what
other provisions they may have made for Explanation or
otherwise by new Laws now passed and therefore they Con-
ceived it necessary to ascertain what of those old Laws they
thought fit to Repeal and what not but they will further Con-
sider of the motion of this Board Concerning the same
The Act for the Navall Officers fees he says if they should
Consider the Burden of the Ships and regulate the fees thereby
vizt for every one above 100 Tuns 30s fee and under 20S would
much lessen the Perquisites of that place to what they desired
for that the House was well Satisfied there came many more
Small then great Ships yearly into this Province they are
desired to follow the methods of Virginia in that Point
Adjourn till to Morrow Morning 10 a Clock
June the 4th 1692 met in Council Chamber
His Excellency the Governor