U. H. J.
to the House the Consideration of some present Necessary
repairs thereof, whereby the same may be put in a Condition
to Secure the said Records, and fitt for holding Courts of
Judicature untill such time as a more Convenient place for that
Purpose shall be thought off and Agreed on and a house
accordingly Erected which (Considering the great Expence
p. 646
the Province hath already to Defray and Discharge) This
Board Conceives will bear too heavy upon them at present
neither can the Same in any Probability be Effected befor the
hard Weather; and further more the present Necessary Re-
pairs of the said house may render the same fit for other pub-
lick use, to prevent further Charge to the Country; This
Board therefore desire the house duely to Consider thereof in
making such Provisions as they shall think fitt and necessary.
Signed pr Order J LLewellin Cl.
Sent to the house by Captain Addison and Mr Brook.
Mr Tench Moves the hearing the Errors between him and
Ordered that the same be Argued here at 4 a Clock in
Coll Casparus Herman called in and desired to give an
Account what he knoweth of Mr Frisbys Behaviour here in
'the Province both before he went & since his Return from
England which he doth as foll Vizt
That upon Receipt of the first Ordinance of Convention
directing the holding the County Courts, several of the Justices
of Cecil County would not sit, and the said Frisby made it his
Business to go to Severall of them, and Advised them Sit by
their old Commission, for the Power was still good, And not
to take Notice of the Ordinance perswading severall of them
such as refused to take the Oaths (which most did, and Entred
their reasons upon Record) and to go by themselves and take
the Clerk and hold a Court and see who would or durst Dis-
turb or interrupt, Mr Jones was Perswaded thereunto and he
endeavoured to perswade and Intice several Others to do the
same, the said Frisby Applyed himself at last to the Informant
perswading him to Joyn with them Saying, that now the Busi-
ness wholly depended upon him, the said Informant made
Answer he would goe with them, he would not Spoile Sport
thinking all the while all had been but Jocular and in jest, and
accordingly he went to Mr Jones, first Demanding of him
whether he intended to do so as they said, and so likewise to
every one of the rest, and likewise to Mr Peirce the Sheriff,
they all said they would do it and stand by it in Open Court
in face of the Country, Then the Informant Replyed if they