they do Imagine may be a means to incite him to produce what
further Instructions he has from his Lordship as likewise the
Books of Entries.
Signed pr Order Henry Denton Cl Assembly.
Already Ordered. Another Message from the house by
Doctor Brooke Vizt
By the house of Assembly May the 27th 1692.
The house having now received, Mr James Wroth, Mr
Thomas Theakstone & Mr Robert Crook Burgesses Elected
to Serve for Cecil County, in the Room of Coll Codd, Mr
Warner & Mr Dare, as appears by Indenture under the hands
and Seals of the Sheriff & Severall freemen of that County
out of his Majestys high Court of Chancery hither remitted,
do therefore now send them to your Honours to be Sworne.
Signed pr Order Hen: Denton Cl Assembly.
Accordingly the Oaths appointed by Act of Parliament
instead of the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy were
Administred to the aforenamed three Members.
Brought hither by Captain Mitchell & Mr Ennalls Several
Bills which they say are the last from the house, desire if there
be any Bills here they may be remitted to them