Two of the Indians appearing with those of Choptico
acquaint his Excellency that they with some others that
formerly belonged to Patuxent to the number of ten Men ;
were desirious to come and live with and amongst the Choptico
Indians if they may be permitted so to do; His Excellency
gives Consent thereunto for which they are thankfull.
They Complain that some English men encroach upon their
Land at Choptico and do them much Spoil Coll Blackistone
is desired to enquire thereinto, and to see that right and
Justice be done them, as also Major Smallwood the like for
the Pisscattaway Indians who Complain of the same Griev-
Adjourns till Monday Morning 10 of the Clock
May the 16th 1692 Mett in the Council Chamber
Present as on Saturday last
Stephen Sumter of Calvert County being Charged by Coll
Jowles for offering abusive and affronting Language to him,
and bound to answer the same this Assembly, having attended
a long time upon charge prays a hearing pretending Ignor-
ance of the Crime, but if he be guilty of any such thing
declares himself sorry and Penitent for the same as by his
Petition was sett forth; He is called and upon his Humble
Submission craving pardon of his honour Coll Jowles for his
folly; which was by the said Jowles Accepted off, the said
Sumter is discharged from further Attendance at this time
being Advised and promising to beware of Committing the
like again;