to the Consideration of the house for their further Satisfaction
in that Point
2 This Board is willing and ready to Join some of their
Members with some others of their house to inspect the Body
of the Laws as desired, but conceive it alltogether necessary
in the first place to Consider matters of greater Import weight
and moment for the quiet Peace and Settlement of this Prov-
ince and Necessarily leading to the making of wholesome
Laws for the good Government thereof such as Recognizeing
the undoubted Right and Sovereignty of their Majestys in
and to this Province; This present Meeting a Legall and
duely Qualified Assembly to Enact and make such Laws
under such an Authority; And then an Act of Indemnity, and
some measures for the Confirmation and Settling of all Mat-
ters Judicial and otherwise Since the Late Revolution as shall
by this Assembly be thought fitt to be presented Lo his Excelly
and by him to their Majestys for their Approbation and
Assent, These things and Some Others recommended by his
Excellency in his Speech to the Consideration of this Assembly
premised and Considered; This Board as before will readily
Join in Committee with the house in the Matter desired or
what else may be reasonably Offerred to them
3 This Board shall and will also be ready to receive any
Message or Conferr with the house about the Emergent
Affairs of the Province whensoever the same shall be thought
Convenient or desired by the house.
Signed pr Order J LLewellin Clerk.
His Excellency comes to the Board and hath read to him
the Severall foregoing Messages of the house, and the above
Answer of this Board thereunto which is Approved of and is
sent down to the house by Mr Thomas Brooke.