and so to Continue till four in the afternoon they have thought
fitt to Intimate the Same to your honours desireing that you
would be pleased to Signifie unto this house which will be the
Convenientest times to wait upon your honours about the
Business of the Country now in hand that matters may the
Easier be Communicated.
Signed pr Order Henry Denton Cl of Assembly
Coll Jowles comes to the Board
Adjourn to Mr Lynes's
att Mr Lynes's house the Council met present as before
Mr Edward Winn their Majestys Attorney Generall came
from the house with Major John Campbell one of the Mem-
bers lately come to the house whom he desires may have the
Oaths Administred to him by this Honourable Board which
was accordingly done; He also delivers to the Board a Peti-
tion preferred to the house by Severall Masters of Ships and
Vessels now ready to Sail if permitted Vizt
To the Honourable Gentlemen of the Lower house of
The Humble Petition of Severall Commanders of Ships
now Riding in Patuxent River.
Humbly Sheweth
That your Petitioners being now ready to set sail do under-
stand that Captain John Brown and Captain Peregrine Brown,
have their Majestys Protection from all Embargoes and Con-
sequently do intend very Speedily to sail That their Ships
being of force, and Sufficient together with your Petitioners
Ships to make an indifferent good Fleet, being at least twenty
sail besides the said Brown That your Petitioners lye at vast
Expence both for Provisions and Mens Wages and if forced
to stay till, the last fleet goes, it will prove their utter Ruin,
and Probably not be in a Condition to go either through want
of Provisions or Men who Daily threaten (if forced to stay for
the last fleet) to desert their Ships through the apprehension
they have of Seasoning in the Country.
Wherefore your Petitioners humbly pray, That this honour-
able house (in tender Consideration of the Premisses) will be
pleased to make it their request to his Excellency the Gov-
ernor, that your Petitioners may be admitted to Sail along
with the said Brownes whereby the many Inconveniencies that
otherwise must necessarily fall upon your Petitioners their
Men and Ships may be prevented
and they will ever pray &c.
Which Petition was Subscribed as follows Vizt