Assembly Proceedings, May 10-June 9, 1692. 253
Captain Philip Hoskins, Mr Samuel Wheeler, Mr Robert
Smith, Mr Thomas Tasker, Captain John Bigger, Mr William
Harris, Mr George Ashman, Captain Henry Mitchell, Major
Henry Trippe Mr Thomas Staley Mr Philip Clark, Mr Hance
Hanson Mr Elias King, Doctor John Brooke, Mr Edward
Winn, Mr Edward Jones Mr Thomas Everdine one of the
Delegates for Somerset and Mr John Edmundson for Talbot
County being Quakers refuse to take the Oaths
Adjourn till to Morrow Morning 10 a Clock
May the 11th 1692
Mett in Council Chamber Vizt
U. H. J.
The honourable
Coll Nehemiah Blackiston
Coll George Robotham
Coll Charles Hutchins
Coll David Browne
Mr Thomas Tench
Capt John Addison
Capt John Courts
Mr Thomas Brooke
Was then produced and Ordered to be read the following
paper or Message from his Excellency Vizt
May the nth 1692
Being myself at present under some indisposition so that I
can not be personally present with you, I have thought fitt to
appoint Coll Blackiston to preside and be Speaker of your
house in this Juncture & during this Sessions upon all Occa-
sions of the like nature, wherefore you are desired to receive
and Admitthim accordingly at the request of—
Gentlemen Your Servant=L Copley
To the Honble the Members of the Upper house of Assem-
bly these
Coll Blackiston accordingly Admitted and takes the Chair;
Severall Members of the house of Assembly, yesterday absent
now came and tendered themselves by Order from the house
to take the Oaths Vizt
Mr Edward Pinder, Mr Thomas Greenfield, Mr James Small-
wood, and Mr Wm Dent who accordingly had Administred
unto them, and took the said Oaths, they desire a list of the
names of those Members that have taken the Oaths yesterday
and now may be given them for the Cognizance of their house
which was likewise done and they Dismissed
Adjourn for a hour
Mett again as before Except Captain Addison & Capt
Courts, present more Coll Henry Jowles.
Adjourn for two hours
Mett again and nothing Offering from the house
Adjourn till to Morrow Morning 10 a Clock