That for regulating the affairs civill in
Cecill County
Collo: St Ledger Codd, Mr William Dare, Mr Edward Jones,
Mr Casparus Harman Justices of the Quorum, Mr George
Warner, Mr Gideon Gundry, Mr Nicholas Allum, Mr William
Ward, Mr Edward Beck, Mr Mathias Vanderheyden, Mr John
James Justices, Mr Edward Jones and Mr John James Coro-
ners, Capt: William Pearce Sheriffe and Mr John Thompson
That for regulating the affairs Civill in the Citty of
St Marys.
Mr Kenelm Cheseldyne Recorder, Mr John Llewellin Mr
Wm Blackistone, Mr John Walsen, Mr Tho: Waughop, Mr
Robert Mason, Aldermen Mr Elias Beech, Mr Henry Denton,
Mr Thomas Beale, Mr Joseph Sumpte, Mr Charles Evans, Mr
Edward Greenhalgh, Mr Wm Aysquith and Mr Philip Clark
Common Councillmen: Mr Wm Taylarde Clarke.
All which respective Commanders or Officers military as
aforesaid in this Province are hereby fully authorized and
impowered by the authority aforesd to list train and exer-
cise in their respective divisions their said respective Com-
panys in the art of warr or military discipline as have been
formerly accustomed in this Province or as by law they
ought to doe, together with full power to suppress all home-
bred insurrections or foreigne invasions against their
Majesties Crowne and Dignity and the safety and welfare
of the Inhabitants. Who are likewise hereby authorized
and impowerd to commissionate their respective under
Officers proper and necessary to their respective Com-
panys and Divisions — As alsoe all the respective civill Officers
in this Ordinance mentioned that is to say all Coffiissioners,
Justices of the peace, Coroners Sheriffes and Clerkes in
and for their respective Countys in kind by this present
Ordinance already mentioned are hereby fully authorized and
impowered to execute their respective authorityes and trust
hereby confirmed given and granted as have been formerly
accustomed by such Officers aforesaid, or as such Officers
ought or are bound to doe by the lawes of England or the
lawes of this Province, The Justices Comissioners and Clerke
in the said respective Countys hereby appointed being to. be
summoned by the Sheriffs of the said respective Countys to
the next ensueing County Court there to be sworne in open
Court according to former custom the name stile and title of
King William and Queen Mary onely used instead of the
Lord Baltemore.
P. R. O.