The Address of the Representatives of their Majesties
Protestant Subjects in the Province of Maryland assembled.
To the Kings most excellent Majestie
Whereas we are with all humility fully assured that the
benefitt of your Majestie's glorious undertakings, and blessed
success for the Protestant Religion, and civill rights and liber-
ties of your Subjects, was graciously intended to be extensive
as well to this remote part, as to all others of your Majestie's
Territorys and Countreys, being thereby influenced to express
our utmost zeal and endeavors for your Majestie's service and
the Protestant Religion, here of late notoriously opposed, and
your Majestie's sovereign dominion and Right to this your
Majestie's Province of Maryland invaded and undermined by
our late Popish Governors their Agents and Complices.
Wee your Majestie's most dutifull and loyall Subjects of the
said Province being assembled as the Representative Body of
the same; doe humbly pray your Majestie's gracious con-
sideration of the great grievances and expressions wee have
long layne under, lately represented to your Majestic and
directed to your Majestie's principall Secretary of State, in a
certain Declaration from the Commanders, Officers and Gentle-
men in Armes for your Majesty's service and defence of the
Protestant Religion.
And that your Majesty would be graciously pleased in such
waies and methods as to your Princely wisdom shall seem
meete, to appoynt such a deliverance to your suffering People,
whereby for the future, our religion, rights and libertyes may
be secured under a Protestant Government by your gracious
direction specially to be appointed.
Wee will waite with all becomeing duty and loyalty your
Majestie's pleasure herein, and will in the mean time (to the
hazard of our lives & fortunes) persevere and continue to
vindicate & defend your Majestie's right and soveraigne
Dominion over this Province, the Protestant Religion and the
Civil Rights and libertys of your Majestie's Subjects here
against all manner of attempts and oppositions whatsoever,
Hereby unanimously declaring that as we have a full sense of
the blessings of heaven upon your Majestie's generous under-
takeings, soe we will endeavour to express our due gratitude
for the same as becomes Professors of the best of Religions,
and Subjects to the best of Princes.
Maryland — dated in the Assembly
sitting at the State House in the City of
St Maryes the 4th day of Septr 1689
in the first year of their Majesties' reign.
P. R. O.