Lib. W. H.
County to be called by the name of Dorchester, And Alsoe
one other Towne to be surveyed & Laid out on the North
side of Corsica Creek in Talbott County at a place called
Glevens point to be called by the name of Talbott Towne ;
the which severall Townes, Ports & places of Trade to be
vnder such Restriccons and Limitacons as alsoe to haue and
Enjoy the full benifitts and priviledges of any other Townes,
ports & places of trade by the sevll Acts for Advancement
thereof nominated & appointed anything in the afore Recited
Acts to the contrary hereof in any wise Notwithstanding.
p. 304
An Act for Encouragement of makeing Linnen &
Woollen cloath within this province
The Vpper and Lower houses of this prsent Genll Assembly
haueing taken into their serious Consideracons the great
quantities of Linnen and Woollen Hoath which are brought
from fforreigne parts into and Spent in this Province & that
the Inhabitants of this Province for want of the like pollicy &
Industry as other Countryes have attained unto in the Invent-
ing & practiceing & putting in Exercise the makeing of Linnen
& Wollen Cloath, doe yearly spend vast sumes of Money and
quantities of Tobacco in purchaseing those manufactures for
cloatheing & Considering the great benifitt & advantage that
by the makeing of such manufactures of Linnen & Woollen
cloath will accrue to this Province & being willing to give all
due Encouragement that may he to any pson or psons what-
soever that will make or cause to be made any Linnen or
Woollen cloath doe humbly pray that it may be Enacted,
And bee it Enacted by the Rtt honble the Lord Propry by and
with the advice & consent of the vpper & Lower houses of
this present Generall Assembly & the Authority of the same,
that from & after the publicacon hereof any pson or psons
whatsoever Inhabitants within this province that shall make
or cause to be made & woven within this prouince of the
growth & manufacture of this province any Quantity of Linnen
or Woollen cloth of what kind soever such pson or psons so
makeing or causeing to be made such linnen or woollen cloth
as aforesaid within this province shall for his & their Encour-
agement in the advanceing & setting forward such manufac-
tures haue and Receive from the severall & Respective Corn-
miss" of the severall and Respectiue County Courts within
this province where the said pson or psons so makeing or
causeing to be made such linnen or woollen Cloath as afore-
said shall dwell and reside, for every Yard of Linnen Cloath
so to be made as aforesaid being Three quarters of a yard