Lib. W. H.
prsent Genll Assembly and the Authority of the same that all
& every pson and psons whatsoever that shall solely & wholly
Imploy his time, or any Number of his Seruants or others
belonging to his family in the tilling Ordering & dressing his
Land or any part thereof in order for the Propagateing of all
or any sorte of English graine & Indian Come & shall not at
any time putt or Imploy any of the psons aforesaid in Plante-
ing tending or makeing Tobacco, but shall wholly Intirely and
Constantly follow husbandry such pson & psons shall haue
and Receive the seuerall benifitts & allowances hereafter
mentioned that is to say, that every such pson or psons soe
wholly Imployed as aforesaid shall be exempt & free from all
publick & county Leavies And shall alsoe be allowed out of
the county Leavie wherein the said Graine shall be soe made
the summe of six pounds of Tobacco p bushell for all or any
sorte of English Graine, the quantity being made appeare by
two sufficient witnesses before the Justices of Each county
Court according to law, And likewise if any pson well skilld
in the makeing of Malt shall of the vsuall Graine of wheate or
Barley of the produccon of this Province bring the same to
pfeccon for the same shall be allowed the summe of Tenn
pounds of Tobo p Bushell, to be paid when made appeare as
aforesaid provided noe pson shall Receive any benifitt intended
by this Act for any Graine already sowed, this Act to Endure
for Three Yeares, or to the End of the next Generall Assembly.
p. 303
An Act for Erecting some new necessary Townes.
Whereas the whole hundred of St Clements & a greate part
of Chapticoe Hundred in St Maries County is bounded by the
two great Rivers that empty themselves the one into St
Clements & the Other in Chapticoe Bay with two very great
steep Hills Adjoining to the said Rivers by which meanes the
Carriage of Goods or Tobacco over Either of the said Rivers
or hills is Impossible, and whereas there's no Towne Assigned
and Appointed by Act of Assembly within the said St Clements
hundred or that part of Chapticoe hundred between the Rivers
afd by which meanes a very great & considerable quantity of
tobacco made in & vpon the prmisses cannot possibly be con-
veyed or Transported to any Towne in St Maries County or
any other Towne as is by Act of Assembly appointed & Com-
manded but must be soe done with great difficulty & hazard
by water, for Remedye whereof & for the Redresse of so grat
a Greivance Bee It Enacted by the Rtt honble the Lord Propry
by & with the Advice & consent of the vpper & Lower houses
of this prsent Genll Assembly And the authority of the same